It's never been easier or required less investment to engage your customers than right now. You don’t need to pay to build a blimp or even a sandwich board. You don’t need to buy time on a local radio or TV station. Everything a small business owner needs to get their brand in front of their customers is right at their fingertips (literally!)…and most of it doesn’t cost a dime.
Whatever Happened to Tommy Hilfiger: Why Branding Is Important to the Church
Christianity, as a brand, has little problem with awareness. Hardly a person on the planet is unaware of its existence. Unfortunately though, we’ve allowed Christianity to move into a dangerous area known as “brand parity.” We’ve allowed Christianity to become simply “another religious option” instead of the unique and life-changing choice offered by Jesus.
Ironically, we’ve done that by accentuating another type of brand loyalty. Over the past century, American Christianity has spent most of its energy focusing not on presenting Christ crucified as the “heart” of the brand, but a denominational variation. In short, we’ve lost sight of the core principle of the brand and focused too much on differentiating on levels that ultimately the “customer” doesn’t find meaningful.
Is Your Church Having a Kodak Moment?
Eastman-Kodak was unaware of the change within their own market. While companies like Apple began to revolutionize the industry through digital imaging, Kodak continued to invest in better and more efficient ways to use film.
What lasted over a century took only a decade to be virtually dismantled.
Your “product” may be great, but if it doesn’t meet the needs of the customer…