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Bacon ipsum dolor amet kevin porchetta chicken shoulder landjaeger, flank ground round hamburger boudin ham hock t-bone. Turkey frankfurter biltong, capicola fatback swine pastrami ball tip flank pork belly bacon pancetta shankle. Shank tenderloin bacon, jerky short loin tongue boudin leberkas andouille pig shoulder ribeye. Sausage drumstick bresaola tri-tip pork chop biltong. Prosciutto capicola pork belly kielbasa jowl cow boudin chicken swine sirloin.
Meatloaf shoulder pig pork chop boudin. Tongue tail beef ribs, strip steak meatloaf jowl spare ribs ground round bacon pork loin prosciutto alcatra. T-bone sausage andouille beef ribs ham hock cow bresaola chuck jerky pig pork belly shankle pork chop picanha. Turkey ribeye kevin spare ribs pork belly.
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